2024 Community All-Stars Charity Basketball Game


General Admission
General Admission

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Member General Admission
Member General Admission

Sponsorships / Underwriting

Players / Player Sponsor
Players / Player Sponsor
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Player sponsorship of One Player. Includes reserved seating for two.
Please email your company logo to dale.shafer@lifemoveswealth.com
Time Out sponsor
Time Out sponsor
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Your company is recognized during game time-outs. Includes reserved seating for two.
Please email your company logo to dale.shafer@lifemoveswealth.com
Quarter Sponsor
Quarter Sponsor
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Sponsor of One Quarter during the game. Includes reserved seating for four; also, includes 1 play... Show More...
Please email your company logo to dale.shafer@lifemoveswealth.com
Half Time Sponsor
Half Time Sponsor
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Sponsor of our high-energy, super-fun halftime show. Includes reserved seating for six; also, inc... Show More...
Please email your company logo to dale.shafer@lifemoveswealth.com
Title Sponsor
Title Sponsor
1 left

You are the star of our show as the Game's Title Sponsor. Full recognition throughout the game, w... Show More...
Please email your company logo to dale.shafer@lifemoveswealth.com

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Alternate Payment:
Please make your check payable to: Scottsdale Sunrise Rotary Foundation P.O. Box 5917 Scottsdale, AZ 85261
Credit card information completed
Please check your credit card information

Checkout Summary

Item Total
Donation to Cover Payment Processing